Liability Insurance

Students are required to obtain professional liability insurance when enrolled in the following courses:

A pdf copy of the insurance binder is required as proof of valid coverage. It is recommended that a pdf copy be sent to the Counselor Education Department at

Some Suggested Sources for Liability Insurance

Costs will vary and are subject to change.

American Counseling Association Student Liability
The American Counseling Association Insurance Trust, Inc. has partnered with Healthcare Provider Service Organization (HPSO) to provide a comprehensive professional liability insurance program. ACA Student Membership now includes liability insurance to ACA student members enrolled and engaged in a master’s degree in counseling.

American School Counselor Association Liability Insurance
The ASCA insurance program, National Professional Group, is backed by Lloyd’s of London. Lloyd’s affordable coverage for school counselors is exactly the protection you need. ASCA student membership includes liability insurance.

National Board for Certified Counselors and Affiliates (NBCC) has partnered with CM&F Group to offer occurrence-based professional liability insurance. NBCC Insurance information

National Rehabilitation Association
The National Rehabilitation Association has partnered with Healthcare Provider Service Organization (HPSO).
NRA Student Membership: HPSO liability insurance: