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Help ILAO open opportunities for justice Use this blank affidavit to respond to a court case or filing.You will need Adobe Reader to read this
It is important to remember that everything that you say in an affidavit must be truthful, accurate, and based on what you know.
This affidavit is blank so that it can be used for many different things. For example, if an Order of Protection is filed against you, and you file a petition to re-hear, you can submit an affidavit to explain the important facts of your side of the story. Another example is if you file a Motion to Relocate in a family case, you may also use an affidavit as testimony to tell a family law court why moving to another county or state with your child is in their best interest.
This affidavit form has the following:
If you run out of space on the first page, write "continued on next page." You can fill out and attach the second page of the Affidavit. If you need additional pages, print additional copies of the blank second page.
When you sign the Affidavit, you are swearing under penalty of perjury that everything is true and correct.
An Affidavit only needs to be notarized in some circumstances. If you want or need to have your signature notarized, do not sign until you are in front of a notary public. The notary will ask for your photo ID to verify your identity. You can find notaries at most banks, courthouses, and UPS stores have licensed notary services. There may be a small charge for a notary.